UINR 2012 calendar now available

UINR 2012 calendar now available

December 15, 2011News

UINR’s 2012 calendar is now available. If you would like to receive a printed copy, drop us an E-mail with your name and mailing address and we will get one out to you. In the meantime, you can download a pdf file by clicking here. Happy New Year everyone!

Kelusilitl Quspem Wjijaqmijl – Ta’n tel-siawita’mk Wi’katikn  The Spirit of the Lakes Speaks – A way forward

Kelusilitl Quspem Wjijaqmijl – Ta’n tel-siawita’mk Wi’katikn The Spirit of the Lakes Speaks – A way forward

December 15, 2011News, Partnerships

  Ni’n na Unama’kik wkamlamun. Ki’s sa’q mimaji, nujituan mkumi, samqwan aq wju’sn. Msit ula mawlukutik kisa’luksi Kinu me wenik kiskuk. Msit koqoey mawa’tumk kelo’tk msit mimajuaqn. Menaqaj iloqaptmumk ta’n telwije’tultik aq ta’n tela’sik koqoey, ta’n telki’k aq ta’n teli apjejk, npitn a’jela’lultoqsip nike’aq elmiknik. Mu menaqaj nike’ maliamuksiwan, npitis ma’kissmuluoq msit kisna ikaluluoq aq … Read More

Pitu'paq–Planning for Change

Pitu'paq–Planning for Change

December 7, 2011News

If you missed Planning for Change–a conference on climate change and infrastructure in Cape Breton held by Pitu’paq in October, you can watch video of the presentations on the Pitu’paq channel on YouTube. Just go to youtube.com/pitupaq to watch presentations by leading experts on the effects of climate change on our economy, forestry, fishing, civil … Read More

Protecting eel habitat in Unama'ki

Protecting eel habitat in Unama'ki

November 9, 2011News, Research

Fortunately, eels are still common in the Bras d’Or Lakes, especially outside Eskasoni. From May to October, eels are actively fished along the shorelines. For the other half of the year, they overwinter in barachois ponds and embayments common to the shores of the Bras d’Or Lakes. Often these areas are not considered important for … Read More

Bras d’Or Lakes eels… what we know

Bras d’Or Lakes eels… what we know

November 2, 2011News

While eels have been fished in and around the Bras d’Or Lakes for hundreds of years, we never knew how old they were, how long they could grow, whether we had more female than male eels in the population, or if they had the swimbladder parasite. UINR recently completed a study to help us understand … Read More

Plant a Mimkwonmooseel for Mi'kmaq History Month

Plant a Mimkwonmooseel for Mi'kmaq History Month

October 19, 2011News, Partnerships

UINR is giving away Mimkwonmooseel (Red Oak) seed kits on Thursday October 20 at Cape Breton University. In celebration of Mi’kmaq History Month, UINR is participating in CBU’s dedication of  Kina matneway Na Klinkn (Embracing Knowledge) at the CBU Courtyard. UINR’s Executive Director Lisa Young will plant Switey and Pakosi, traditional Mi’kmaq plants to celebrate the garden’s dedication. … Read More

It's all about the people…Blair Bernard

It's all about the people…Blair Bernard

October 19, 2011News, People

Never was a man so happy to skin an eel. The joy in that moment carried into every part of Blair’s life. His world was outdoors. Hunting and fishing were an excuse to be in nature. It was where he felt alive. He brought that energy, that understanding with him to his work and friendships.–Weldon … Read More

Oyster Garden Summer 2011

Oyster Garden Summer 2011

October 19, 2011News

by Charlie Dennis One of the stories that sticks out in my mind happened a few years ago. Blair and the Guardians were involved in a project by EFWC and sponsored by Nova Scotia Fisheries at the request of the angling community. Rainbow trout is an introduced species that was affecting the native population of … Read More

The Spirit of the Lakes Speaks launched

The Spirit of the Lakes Speaks launched

October 18, 2011News, Partnerships

As the chant of the Friendship song drifted across the Bras d’Or Lakes on a rare sunny July afternoon, people shook hands in congratulations on the release of  The Spirit of the Lakes Speaks, a document created by the Bras d’Or Lakes Collaborative Environmental Planning Initiative (CEPI). With a vision for the protection and sustainability … Read More

Invitation to the feast

Invitation to the feast

October 2, 2011Moose, News

Join us on Saturday October 8 at noon for the Sixth Annual Feast in the Highlands. Check out the invitation for full details. Bring your appetite! If you have any questions, contact Clifford Paul, UINR’s Moose Management Coordinator at clifford@uinr.ca.    

Importance of Moose Harvester Reporting

Importance of Moose Harvester Reporting

August 30, 2011Moose, News

Moose harvest time approaches and another season has stealthily crept upon us. For many it signals the need to reflect upon and experience the splendour and beauty of the Cape Breton Highlands. Clifford Paul, Moose Management Coordinator at UINR explains “As we partake in our yearly harvest of moose, it is universally recognized by hunters, anglers, and outdoor enthusiasts alike that … Read More