The beetles reunion!

September 18, 2007Forestry, News

From the point of view of Spruce Beetles, these are good times! It’s a time for growth, expansion, and the fulfilment of their purpose in the great cycle of life. The white spruce have matured, the winters have been mild, and it is time to feast, multiply, and thin the forest to make room for … Read More

Mission possible

September 18, 2007News, Partnerships

What a difference a few weeks can make! Until this year, the annual St Anne’s Mission resulted in mountains of garbage and complaints about sewage being dumped in the Lakes. This year, things were different. Thanks to the far-sighted work of Pitu’paq, the unique group of First Nations, municipal governments and their federal and provincial … Read More

The Oyster Garden 8

June 19, 2007News

A Story by Charlie Dennis Here is a story that’s a bit different from the others that I’ve told in the past. My stories usually begin with facts and fishermen in Malagawatch. With this story, I’ll throw you off a little and tell you about something a bit different. This is a story where you … Read More

Pjila'si – Summer 2007

June 18, 2007News

Nipk, Summer is here! With the changing of the season, we are also seeing changes here at UINR. Charlie, our Executive Director, has taken a leave of absence from his position as he concentrates his energy on the job of Chief of Eskasoni. He will still be involved with UINR as a member of the … Read More

Monitoring efforts

June 18, 2007Guardian Program, News

UINR has teamed up with Natural Resource Officers (NROs) from Eskasoni, Waycobah, and Membertou to collect data on water temperature, salinity, oxygen, and secchi disk readings around the waters of Unama’ki this spring. These measurements will be taken from many different areas in the Lakes and the Mira River to address a number of concerns … Read More

Gaspereau plan

June 18, 2007News

Eskasoni currently has one commercial license for harvesting gaspereau (Alosa pseudoharengus) in the Bras d’Or Lakes. Gaspereau are harvested for bait for other fisheries, and commonly sold fresh but can be salted and sold for other markets. It has become an important source of income for some people in Eskasoni. Over the past four years, … Read More

On a mission

June 18, 2007News, Partnerships

Every year, on the last weekend in July, thousands of people gather on Chapel Island at Saint Anne’s Mission–the longest continuous Mission in Canada. In addition to its religious importance, the Mission is a place where people gather to share news with other Mi’kmaq from around the region. Over four thousand people are expected to … Read More

How bogs kill moose

June 18, 2007Moose, News

Bear sign was plentiful as the three of us struggled, slashed, and made our way through thick alder, spruce and swampy areas deep within the plateau of the Cape Breton Highlands. “That tells us we’re near the bogs we are looking for” noted Tony Nette of NS Dept of Natural Resources. “The bogs are ones … Read More

Tiam update

June 18, 2007Moose, News

Issues of moose management have been discussed amongst community members at sessions in practically all Mi’kmaq communities in Nova Scotia. Sessions with Indianbrook, Glooscap, and Wagmatcook are planned. “Information from these sessions are duly noted” Coordinator Clifford Paul explains, “The ability to successfully facilitate discussions on Mi’kmaq moose management shows that Mi’kmaq people take their … Read More

Enhancing Our Community

June 18, 2007News

If things look cleaner around Eskasoni these days, you can thank George Paul and his 12 workers for Enhancing Our Community. Since the middle of May, George and his team have tackled roadside, river, and shoreline cleanups, as well as Mountain Road. Garbage is a concern in every community and Eskasoni’s is major. At first, … Read More

Mekwe'k kawatkw

June 18, 2007Forestry, News

Recently, UINR handed out over 300 mekwe’k kawatkw (red spruce) seedlings to students at the annual Kids in the Forest event in Whycocomagh. Blair Bernard and Clifford Paul met with students at the Provincial Park and talked to them about a wide range of natural resource issues important to Unama’ki Mi’kmaq. Red spruce (Picea rubens … Read More

Changes at UINR

June 18, 2007News

Charlie Dennis, Executive Director of UINR, has taken a leave of absence from his duties at the Institute. Recently elected as Chief of Eskasoni, he is unable to continue as Executive Director due to his commitments as Chief. He will, however, continue to be involved with UINR as a member of the Board of Directors … Read More