It’s been an unbelievably busy season for Unama’KIDS with plenty of opportunities for the group to get outside and experience nature. We started off the season with a shoreline cleanup of the beach in Malagawatch where we picked up garbage. The biggest item we found was an old rusted car, but we weren’t able to move that! A few weeks later we joined the Moose Management Initiative for a feast in the Highlands. It was a foggy day but the food was great and it was nice to see where moose are hunted and to meet some of the people who are working to make sure there are plenty of moose for us in the future.
We spent a great day in Ingonish and did a hike around Round Lake with Suzanne Lambert from Parks Canada. We learned about important plants and animals that are around the area and identified plants that are important for Mi’kmaq medicine. Even though we didn’t see any live moose, we did see some moose poop!
Our video conferences have been going well and we have been meeting every month learning about traditional Mi’kmaq knowledge, moose management and coyotes. We have lots of activities planned for the new year and we will let you know all about them!