Winter is here, but so far it’s not like any winter in recent memory. Climate change is definitely having its effect and at UINR, we are watching things very closely. One of our major concerns is the erosion at Malagwatch cemetary. We are taking an active role in preserving this culturally sensitive site that is so important to our Mi’kmaq community.
Coastal erosion is a hot topic around the province, The storm surge early this year is just the beginning. We are now seeing frequent storms that were at one time a rare occurrence. The risks associated with climate change are now being felt and all predictions are that this is only the tip of the iceburg.
It is clear that protecting our vunerable coast line is going to take a cooperative approach from all levels of government. UINR’s work with the Bras d’Or Lakes Collaborative Environmental Planning Initiative is an excellent model of all levels of government–First Nations, municipalities, provincial and federal departments–working together to achieve a common goal, the preservation and protection of the Bras d’Or Lakes.
In the new issue of UINR Marten we pay special tribute to Clifford Paul, our Moose Management Coordinator. In my early days at UINR I was heavily involved in the study of moose and it is great to see the progress that we have made in protecting and regulating this important resource.