Angela Denny

Research Assistant

A normal day for Angela could have her attending a meeting in the morning, dissecting eels in the afternoon and consulting with student groups in the evening. Never a dull moment for UINR’s Research Assistant, Angela Denny!

In 1999, Angela was one of the first graduates from the newly-built Eskasoni High School, and she went on to continue her studies at Cape Breton University, graduating with a Bachelor of Science degree in 2006.

Right after high school Angela worked as a summer student at UINR and Eskasoni Fish and Wildlife Commision. This is where she got her feet wet working as a lab technician and assisting the biologists on a wide-range of projects.

Nowadays, Angela is involved in many projects at UINR. She represents UINR at meetings of the Bras d’Or Lakes Collaborative Environmental Planning Initiative and attends training workshops and conferences relating to Species at Risk and invasive species. Over the years, she has become expert on the American Eel and spends many hours in the lab processing eels. This month she even spent some time on the ice spearing specimens for her research. She is also involved with the Malagawatch Environmental Best Management Practices Planning Committee.

Gaspereau are another species that Angela works with every year. She processes samples in the lab, helping in the development of a management plan for the local fishery. Most recently Angela assisted in developing the series of booklets “Sespite’tmnej” (Let’s be concerned) for the protection of eel habitat, setting up workshops and community meetings for all five bands and making presentations to students.

When not working, Angie loves spending time with her two young children Bethaney and Morris, and husband, Dion Denny. When she’s not connecting with her friends on Facebook, you can probably find her out shopping or at a movie and whenever there’s a quiet moment, reading.

“The most rewarding aspect of my work is the friendly, family-like atmosphere here at UINR. I enjoy my work and it feels nice being part of a great team.”


Angela: In the News

Kataq–Mi’kmaq Knowledge on Bras d’Or Lakes Eels

Kataq–Mi’kmaq Knowledge on Bras d’Or Lakes Eels

March 26, 2012News, Research

After five years of research, community meetings and discussions with Elders and fishers, UINR is proud to announce the release of a new publication on Bras d’Or Lakes eels. At first, five years sounds like a long time but when you consider that the publication summarizes thousands of years of Mi’kmaq ecological knowledge, it doesn’t … Read More

It's all about the people…Angela Morris

It's all about the people…Angela Morris

May 1, 2011News

A normal day for Angela could have her attending a meeting in the morning, dissecting eels in the afternoon and consulting with student groups in the evening. Never a dull moment for UINR’s Research Assistant, Angela Morris!  In 1999, Angela was one of the first graduates from the newly-built Eskasoni High School, and she went … Read More

First CAMP in region

First CAMP in region

November 15, 2009News, Research

First CAMP in region Community Aquatic Monitoring Program– CAMP is a project where communities monitor the health and marine productivity of their local aquatic ecosystem. From May–September, we monitored six sites around the Bras d’ Or Lakes using protocols developed by Fisheries and Oceans Canada. Long-term monitoring of fish and crustacean species, water temperature, salinity … Read More

New science projects at UINR

November 15, 2009News, Research

New science projects at UINR It is going to be a busy year for UINR! We recently received support from Aboriginal Funds for Species at Risk to continue our eel research in the Bras d’Or Lakes. The project will determine biological characteristics and the relationship of American Eel (Kataq) abundance in the Bras d’Or Lakes. … Read More

Where am I?

Where am I?

March 16, 2007News, Research

The Unama’ki Institute of Natural Resources, in cooperation with the Eskasoni Fish & Wildlife Commission, has created an information map for each of the Unama’ki First Nation communities. Using Geographic Information System (GIS), these maps are a valuable resource for long-term monitoring and community planning. The maps contain information on drinking water monitoring sample sites, … Read More

Angela on internship

March 16, 2007News

Angela Morris has been working at UINR under a special internship from ECO Canada. Here’s what she has to say about the experienceâ “As a result of the Internship, I learned many new things at UINR. It was an opportunity to use my previous skills and acquire new ones. The training has been very useful … Read More

Scholarship winners

December 9, 2006News

Eskasoni’s Angela Morris was the big winner when a series of cholarships were awarded to Unama’ki Science, Technology, and Natural Resources students.  There are three separate scholarship categories–the Stora Enso/UINR Scholarship Fund, Stora Enso/UINR Forestry Scholarships and the Georgia Pacific/UINR Scholarships. Here are the winners: Georgia Pacific/UINR ($1,000): Lindsay Marshall, Membertou; Janice Basque, Waycobah; Angela … Read More

Gaspereau study

June 6, 2006News

Angela Morris samples scales from Bras d’Or Lakes gaspereau. Her work is part of an ongoing monitoring of the stocks in the Lakes. The gaspereau fishery in Unama’ki is monitored and regulated. This year’s management plan includes a reduction in fishing time with a goal to reduce the catch by 20%. The objective is to … Read More

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