Two degrees of Annie

June 16, 2007News

For most people, getting one degree would be enough of an accomplishment…but not for Annie E. Johnson, UINR’s Financial Officer and resident cartoonist. She just graduated from CBU with two degrees–a Bachelor of Business Administration AND a Bachelor of Arts Community Studies! It took six years of dedicated work to achieve this milestone and Anne … Read More

Two-eyed seeing

June 16, 2007News, Partnerships

Cape Breton University was the host for a full-day workshop on two-eyed seeing in May and UINR was a major contributer for the event. Clifford Paul was the day’s MC and he also gave a presentation on Indigenous Science. Albert Marshall gave a spirited presentation on two-eyed seeing from the perspective of a Mi’kmaq Elder … Read More

First Native Conservation Officers

June 16, 2007Guardian Program, News

Three Mi’kmaq have become the NS Department of Natural Resources’ first full-time aboriginal conservation, enforcement, and liaison officers. The positions were established to further promote positive working relationships with the Mi’kmaq community in Nova Scotia and to encourage better co-operation in the management of the province’s natural resources. “I am proud to be the Minister … Read More

There's GOLD in them hills!

June 16, 2007News

Ask Albert Toney and Brian Toney and they’ll tell you what they are mining is White Gold! Albert and Brian are long-time employees at Georgia Pacific’s Melford gypsum mine near Waycobah and they love their jobs. “It’s like winning the lottery.” Brian explains, and this is the general reaction from people who land a job … Read More

Pjila'si – Spring 2007

March 18, 2007News

Since Spring is the time of new beginnings, I thought I would take an opportunity to recognize some of the people working behind the scenes at UINR–our Board of Directors. The UINR Board has representatives from our five Unama’ki communities. Traditionally, the five Chiefs have formed our Board. Now that I am Chief, I will … Read More

The Oyster Garden 7

March 18, 2007News

A Story by Charlie Dennis I was visiting Uncle Simon Gabriel on one of many evenings after a long day of fishing oysters in Malagawatch. Gabriel lay on his bed next to the warm stove. His mouth was full of chewing tobacco and there was a spittoon nearby. Often something was said by him or … Read More

CEPI communications

March 16, 2007News, Partnerships is the place to go to learn about the Bras d’Or Lakes Collaborative Environmental Planning Initiative. There you can learn about the Lakes, contribute to the development and assist in the implementation of a management plan for the Bras d’Or Lakes and surrounding watershed. The website is new and CEPI is working on it … Read More

Water, water everywhere

March 16, 2007News

A Science Forum on Water Resource Management was recently held at Cape Breton University, sponsored by NS Environment and Labour and CBU. Of special interest was Kim Paul’s presentation on Potlotek’s Source Water Protection Plan. In 1999, recognizing the importance of protecting the water source at Indian Lake, the Potlotek Watershed Protection Committee was formed. … Read More

Kluscap’s science

Kluscap’s science

March 16, 2007News, Research

A long, long time ago, the Mi’kmaq people were faced with a dilemma–a situation of great proportion that Kluskap was summoned for a solution. It was at a time in our history when the people told Kluskap that the animals were too big and fierce in the forest. The bear was too big, gigantic in … Read More

Promo video

March 16, 2007News

Madeline Yakimchuk, of Gryphon Media Productions, directed this short, two and a half minute video that gives a quick overview of UINR, touching on some of our many projects and partnerships. The video is fast-paced and packed with photos and video from around Unama’ki. Narrated by Lisa Young and Charlie Dennis, the video gives a … Read More

Where am I?

Where am I?

March 16, 2007News, Research

The Unama’ki Institute of Natural Resources, in cooperation with the Eskasoni Fish & Wildlife Commission, has created an information map for each of the Unama’ki First Nation communities. Using Geographic Information System (GIS), these maps are a valuable resource for long-term monitoring and community planning. The maps contain information on drinking water monitoring sample sites, … Read More

Angela on internship

March 16, 2007News

Angela Morris has been working at UINR under a special internship from ECO Canada. Here’s what she has to say about the experienceâ “As a result of the Internship, I learned many new things at UINR. It was an opportunity to use my previous skills and acquire new ones. The training has been very useful … Read More