
June 6, 2006Netukulimk, News

by Albert Marshall On a bright sunny afternoon in June of 1955, the Canso Causeway opened to the general public.  There were hundreds of people applauding on both sides of the Strait. The Strait was known to the Mi’kmaq as Tui’knek. The pomp and festivities were deafening.  Among the group were some Mi’kmaq, huddled together … Read More

Shrewd Shrew!

June 6, 2006News, Research

In our last issue (Spring 2006) we introduced you to the Species at Risk of extinction in Unama’ki. Missing from those photos was the Gaspe Shrew (Sorex gaspensis). At press time we were still unable to come up with an illustration of this elusive creature that lives in the Cape Breton Highlands. No one we … Read More

Mi'kmaq Youth Elder Council Planning Session

June 6, 2006Netukulimk, News

Youth and Elders from across Nova Scotia met in Antigonish this spring to explore the possibility of forming a Youth Elder Council. The day began with presentations by Kwilmuk Maw-klusuaqn (KMK) on its mandate to address land, resource, and governance issues with the federal and provincial governments. In the afternoon, Laurie Suitor from UINR and … Read More

Pjila'si – Spring 2006

March 12, 2006News

Siwkw – Spring is in the air! After all the mild winter weather, it is great to see the pussywillows announcing the return of Spring, the most important season of all. Spring represents a new beginning for all of earth’s creations. That is the focus of this, the third issue of UINR Marten–new beginnings. Of … Read More

The Oyster Garden 3

March 6, 2006News

by Charlie Dennis For many years, my good friend Gabriel, or Kaplie’l in Mi’kmaq, fished oysters in Malagawatch Pond. I met Kaplie’l back in the late 1950s. My grandparents and dad used to go to Malagawatch for a visit or get supplies of white maple and poplar for basket making. Kaplie’l and his brother Sa’n … Read More

Annie E. Johnson

March 6, 2006News

UINR’s resident cartoonist and financial guardian, Annie Johnson, recently attended the Aboriginal Financial Officers Association (AFOA) National Conference in Winnipeg, Manitoba (yes, Winnipeg, in February, -45 degree windchill). Although cold, it was a wonderful learning experience, bringing together aboriginal financial officers from all across the country and offering workshops for all levels of learning, from … Read More

Have you seen us?

March 6, 2006News

Not likely. All these species are at risk of extinction in Unama’ki. Species at Risk are animals, plants, and other organisms that are at serious risk of extinction, usually due to human activities which pose a threat to the species or their habitat. In Nova Scotia today there are over ten thousand wildlife species: 5 … Read More

Natural Resource Officers

March 6, 2006Guardian Program, News

Eskasoni resident Blair Bernard has joined UINR as coordinator of our Natural Resource Officer (NRO) Program. Blair is responsible for establishing the program’s goals and setting up an aboriginal food fishery. UINR’s goals for the NRO Program are to develop a strong coordination role and regulatory authority, and negotiate strong training agreements while developing meaningful … Read More

Moose Management Initiative

March 6, 2006Moose, News

UINR has taken on the responsibility of creating a moose management plan. UINR, representing the five Mi’kmaq communities of Unama’ki, is mandated to implement this plan with the support of the Mi’kmaq Grand Council and the Unama’ki Council of Elders. Further development and long-term acceptance of this initiative is supported by Mi’kmaq leadership and by … Read More

Pitu'paq Update

March 6, 2006News, Partnerships

The Upcoming Chapel Island Mission is the hot button topic with Pitu’paq this spring. From bottled water to port-a-potties, the environmental issues for the tiny island and the surrounding Bras d’Or Lakes are being addressed. Pitu’paq deals with the most immediate concerns of this year’s Mission while planning for a future where there will be … Read More

Greening Potlotek

March 5, 2006News, Partnerships

Chief Wilbert Marshall and Chief Executive Officer Lindsay Marshall of Potlotek First Nations are working on an ambitious plan to put Potlotek on the Green map! And they don’t plan to stop there. They intend to share their green vision with other Mi’kmaq communities and build their capacity to export their services and expertise. The … Read More